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How to add a charger in the Back Office platform
How to add a charger in the Back Office platform
Aaron Baucum avatar
Written by Aaron Baucum
Updated over 3 months ago

You can add multiple chargers in one location.

In this article, we will show you step-by-step how to add a charger.

If you like to learn how to edit a charger setting, please refer to this article.

How to access the "Add a charger" settings

Please note that to add a charge, it is necessary to have an "Administrator" permission level.

  1. Choose an account that you would like to add a charger to.

  2. Click on the charger tab at the top left of the screen.

  3. Click on the Plus icon ("+") on the far right of the screen.

The "Add charger" window option will appear. Here, you will need to fill in the required information and setting for the new charger.

How to fill in the "Add charger" requirements settings

To add a new charger, please fill in the following information:

  1. Charger ID

  2. Limit - enter the limit in Amps

  3. Parent panel - Select the "Parent panel" from which the charger will receive power. (For help with adding a parent panel, you can read this article.)

  4. Charger scope - Every charger has a new scope parameter containing one of the following values:

    • Closed - The charger is unavailable for use. This status is particularly useful as a temporary solution for installing a new charger before the scope is decided.

    • Open - The charger is unsecured. It is set to allow unlimited plug and charge.

    • Private - A charger is assigned to a specific driver. This driver is responsible for its billing. This is typical for apartment buildings with allocated parking spaces.

    • Account - The charger is shared with all account members. They can view the charger on the mobile app, initiate charging, or use their RFID. This is typical for workplaces and apartment buildings with shared parking spaces.

    • Groups - The charger is shared with specific group members. They can view the charger on the mobile app, initiate charging, or use their RFID. This is typical of workplace parking spaces shared by multiple companies / multiple departments, where there is a need to segregate usage.

    • Public - Shared by all operator members who can view it on the mobile app map, initiate charging, or use their RFID.

      Note that Shared with account’, ‘shared with groups’, and ‘public’, will automatically enable secure charging.

  5. Alias (optional) - this option enables you to name the charger that will be visible on the map. The Charger ID will appear on the map if this field remains empty. For more details, please refer to this article.

  6. QA alias (optional) - provide a unique QA code to be assigned to the charger. For more information, visit this article.

  7. Parking (optional) - enter the parking number/identifier here.

  8. Payment terminal (optional) - Associate a charger’s connector with a Payter terminal, if integrated.

  9. Charger overrides (optional)—This field will be shown in the "Edit charger" state. Some charging parameters defined at the site level can now be overridden at the charger level.

    • Charging rates - It is possible to override charging rates at the charger level. This can be useful for a site with different rate structures (e.g. AC or DC chargers).

    • Charger delay - In a site with delayed charging, it is now possible to cancel the delay for specific chargers. This is extremely useful in apartment buildings with delayed charging for private chargers. If a shared or public charger is added to those sites, it is now possible to eliminate the delay from this specific charger only while maintaining the building's electrical hierarchy intact.

    • Offline allocation - A view of the power limit overrides for chargers when they lose communication with the back office. To learn more, please visit this article.

Once all necessary information and settings are filled out, click the "Add" button.

You'll be able to view the chargers you just entered.

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