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The Transactions Tab

View all drivers' transaction history.

Lizzie Karmi avatar
Written by Lizzie Karmi
Updated yesterday

Where are all the drivers' charging transactions located?

You can locate the drivers' charging sessions by navigating to the Transactions tab.

Which transactions can be found in the Transaction tab?

All driver transactions for the account can be located in the transactions tab.

How many transactions are displayed in the Transaction tab?

The Transaction tab displays the last 1,500 transactions. If you wish to view more transactions beyond the display limit of 1,500 or a full transaction history, please contact our support team.

What kind of information is available on the Transactions tab?

The information available on the Transactions tab includes session ID, driver name or number (for public drivers), location, charger, dates, time plugged in/plugged out duration, kW, and cost. To see a more detailed view of the transactions, click on the "select columns" icon located to the right of the screen.

  • ID - Unique transaction ID.

  • Driver:

    • The assigned driver as the charger’s “owner”.

    • Partner’s code driver for roaming transactions.

  • ID number - Driver’s identification number.

  • External customer ID * - Driver’s identification number on an external platform such as CPO’s CRM.

  • Account - The driver’s Back office account name (appears on the “All account” view).

  • RFID * - RFID is used in the transaction.

  • Site - Site name for this transaction.

  • Parking * - Parking number for this transaction.

  • Charger ID - The ID of the charger that charged during the session.

  • Origin * - Indicating the transaction's origin:

    • Plug and Charge - Initiated without user authentication (unsecured chargers).

    • Backoffice - Initiated by an admin from the Back office.

    • App:

      • App - Initiated by a driver from the mobile app.

      • Remote app - Roaming transaction initiated by an external driver from the mobile app.

    • RFID:

      • RFID - Initiated by a driver using an RFID card.

      • Remote RFID - Roaming transaction initiated by a driver using an RFID card.

    • Scan to Charge - Initiated by a guest driver by scanning a QR code.

    • Public - Initiated by a registered user using the mobile app (public chargers).

    • Roaming - Initiated by an OCPI roaming user using an RFID or an external mobile application.

    • Payter / Nayax - Payment terminals and contactless cashless services worldwide.

  • Stop reason * - Indicates the specific cause of a charging session's interruption. For more information, please visit this article.

  • Roaming * - Information on roaming transactions that can be one of the following:

    • Partner code - (Partner name): When the operator’s charger is shared.

    • Operator’s code - (Partner name): When the operator’s driver has charged in an external partner network.

  • Charger alias * - A charger name that will appear in the Map feature in the app.

  • Boost - Indication if boost charging was used (indication with a red star)

  • Plug-in - The plug-in time (when the car was connected to the charger).

  • Plug-out - The plug-out time (when the car was disconnected from the charger).

  • Duration - The net charging duration.

  • Avg kW * - Average kW during active charging.

  • Max kW * - Max kW during active charging.

  • kWh - The total energy provided in the transaction.

  • Utility kWh pre-tax * - The electricity cost, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Utility kWh cost - The electricity cost, including Tax/VAT.

  • Driver kWh cost * ** - The charging cost for the driver, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Boost fee * ** - The fee charged to the driver for the boost transactions, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Connection fee * ** - A one-time fee per transaction charged to the driver, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Idle fee * ** - The fee charged to the driver, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Cost pre Tax/VAT * - The transaction cost, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Tax/VAT * - The cost of the Tax/VAT charged.

  • Total cost - The total kWh cost incurred by the driver (in local currency).

* Hidden by default

** Prices reflect regional tax practices - VAT-based countries include tax in displayed prices, while US/CA prices exclude applicable taxes.

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