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Tax/VAT Settings Explained

Explore the difference between Tax/VAT, how to configure them, and their impact on the pricing display.

Lizzie Karmi avatar
Written by Lizzie Karmi
Updated over 3 months ago

What is the difference between the Tax/VAT pricing display?

There is a slight difference in handling this in European countries vs. North America.

The differences are highlighted in the table below:


N. America

Tax type



Displayed prices in the app

Include VAT

Exclude Tax

In-app displayed cost during the transaction

Include VAT

Exclude Tax

Displayed cost after the transaction finishes

Include VAT

Include Tax

Displayed cost in the statement

Shows both pre and post-VAT per transaction and total

Shows both pre and post Tax per transaction and total

Displayed cost in the receipt

Shows the total (including VAT) and the VAT value

Shows the total (including Tax) and the Tax value

Please note: With this new feature, Wevo helps operators define VAT/Tax rates in the system. The operator is solely responsible for setting the rates properly, verifying the results, reporting tax data to the relevant authorities, and making tax payments accurately and on time.

Wevo holds no responsibility for such activities.

How to set up the Tax/VAT?

Tax/VAT is set per rate plan. This allows maximal flexibility to the operator.

To set it, please follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to the Operator Settings.

  2. Click “Rate plans” on the left menu.

  3. Turn on Tax/VAT and set the desired percentage.

Electricity tariff's VAT/Tax

The VAT/Tax percentage can also be added to the electricity tariff's field. The tariff can be viewed in the “Tariffs” setting, found under “Operator Settings.”

How to view the Tax/VAT costs

Get a clear view of Tax/VAT costs by turning on the columns in the Transactions tab:

and the Statements tab:

What do the Tax/VAT costs related columns mean?

Here is an explanation of the "Pre-Tax/VAT" and "Tax/VAT":

  • Electricity pre-tax: The electricity cost, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Electricity total: The electricity cost, including Tax/VAT.

  • Pre-Tax: The transaction cost, excluding Tax/VAT.

  • Tax/VAT: The cost of the Tax/VAT charged.

How will this affect the rates displayed in the app?

  1. VAT: Rate details, including VAT, will be displayed.

  2. Tax: Rate details will be displayed pre-tax, as shown in the screenshots below.

How will the final transaction costs be displayed for the driver?

All transaction costs will be displayed inclusive of Tax/VAT, with a clear indication of the percentage charged in the following locations:

  • App: On the charging completion screen and the history screen.

  • Billing Platforms receipts.

  • Back Office statements.

Are VAT/Tax included in the Invoiced Financials widget?

The widget will not include the VAT/Tax for revenue and cost metrics starting as of July 2024.

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