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Scan2Charge- Generate a QR code
Lizzie Karmi avatar
Written by Lizzie Karmi
Updated over 6 months ago

How to generate a QR code?

Access the URL link QR code generator as seen below.

Wevo offers two ways of printing a QR sticker:

Option 1: Generate QR sticker using QR Alias

QR Alias is designed for dynamically allocating stickers to chargers, enabling the operator to print large quantities in advance, save costs, and also dynamically link stickers to chargers, making it very easy to change whenever needed.

1) Copy the following URL in BLUE to the required field (see picture below RED is your QR alias) Alias

QR Alias is a 3-digit code given per Operator plus a random 6-digit number.

To know your 3-digit code go to your Operator settings.

If you use this link for a multi-connector unit, you can use one QR for both connectors. The driver would be able to choose the connector through the web page.

2) For multi connector charger, you can also apply a separate QR for each connector by applying the following URL:

3) Put the QR Alias ID (for the required specific charger) and connector number if applicable; for example:

4) Click “Download” (best to use the SVG for better quality, but can use PNG as well) and wait a few seconds till the file is downloaded.

How to pair the QR stickers to a charger?

First option:

1) Go to the chargers Tab

2) Select the charger you want to pair with the printed sticker

3) Click on the three dots on the right side and then click edit

4) Go to QR Alias

5) Add the 6 digits as it is set up in the sticker

6) Click Submit

Option 2: Generate QR sticker using the Charger Id

The Charger ID is designed for use with a specific charger when a direct link between the sticker and a particular charger is required. It is also intended for special cases, such as interfacing with third-party roaming networks, which can also utilize the QR code for additional purposes.

1) Copy the following URL to the required field (see picture below)
If you use this link for a multi connector unit, the driver would be able to choose the connector through the web page.

2) For multi connector charger, you can apply a separate QR for each connector by applying the following URL:

3) Put the charging stations Id (for the required specific charger) and connector number if applicable, see example:

4) Click “Download” (best to use the SVG for better quality, but can use PNG as well) and wait a few seconds till the file is downloaded.

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